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  • Global Village Dubai is reopening its doors soon!

Global Village Dubai is reopening its doors soon!

If you really want to go there but aren't sure how to get there, don't worry!

  • https://graph.facebook.com/6118384108195102/picture?type=large
  • Adina N.
  • 13 October 2023
0    4420

Global Village Dubai is reopening its doors soon! If you really want to go there but aren't sure how to get there, don't worry! The Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has announced that it will resume public bus services to Global Village Dubai at the beginning of the new season on Wednesday, October 18, 2023.

As always, the attraction closed its doors during the summer, thanks to the sweltering heat in the United Arab Emirates. Getting ready to welcome visitors from all corners of the world again, Global Village Dubai will be easily accessible to everyone through the bus service. So, the services will resume on the day the venue opens its doors on Wednesday, October 18, 2023.

The operational network of the services features four routes connecting the village to different parts of the city.

Route 102, departing from Rashidiya Bus Station to Global Village, will have trips at 60-minute intervals.

Route 103 departs from Al Ittihad Bus Station to Global Village every 40 minutes, while Route 104 starts from Al Ghubaiba Bus Station to Global Village every 60 minutes.

Finally, Route 106 departs from Mall of the Emirates Bus Station to Global Village, running every 60 minutes.

Fares for these buses are capped at a very reasonable rate. A single trip to the location will cost you just 10 AED (dirhams).

The RTA is deploying deluxe coaches to run this service, with high-quality buses providing maximum comfort and safety measures.

Tickets for this season cost 30 AED per person.

Source: whatson.ae

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