
Global Village

Global Village, It is a place worth visiting!

  • Adina N.
  • 15 July 2022
0    1679

Global Village is the place where you meet cultures from over 80 countries around the world. Here you will find traditional products of each country from souvenirs, clothes, perfumes or spices, to traditional food and shows specific to each culture, in their pavilion. There is also a large stage where various dance and music performances are held, and if you are lucky, you can also see local celebrities invited to these shows.

 Global Village claims to be the largest tourism, leisure, shopping and entertainment project in the world. The village is open only between November and March of each year, and the program is from 16:00 until midnight, and on weekends until 01:00. The entrance ticket costs AED 20 if you buy it there, or AED 15 if you buy it online. To visit it, I recommend comfortable shoes, because once you get there you will want to visit each pavilion, you will surely be fascinated by the multitude of products, shows and the cuisine of each area! It is a place worth visiting!

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