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Dubai Frame, iconic architectural structure

Dubai Frame - metaphorical bridge connecting the emirate's rich past with its magnificent present.

  • https://graph.facebook.com/6118384108195102/picture?type=large
  • Adina N.
  • 24 July 2022
0    1762

One of the cultural and touristic landmarks of the United Arab Emirates is the Dubai Frame, an iconic architectural structure that "frames" impressive views of Old and New Dubai, while serving as a metaphorical bridge connecting the emirate's rich past with its magnificent present. Construction began in 2013 and was opened to the public on January 1, 2018. The project comprises a structure 150 meters high and 95 meters wide. Frame Dubai is created from glass, steel, aluminum and reinforced concrete, with patterns of the Expo 2020 logo embedded on the exterior facade. Located in Zabeel Park, it is positioned in such a way that the representative landmarks of modern Dubai can be seen on one side, such as the Emirates Towers and Burj Khalifa, while on the other side, visitors can also see the older parts of the city. An observation deck spans the top of the frame, with glass floors looking down into the lower opening of the building. The glass is matte, and when you step on it, it becomes clear, giving you an empty feeling in your stomach. In the lower space of the building we find a museum that shows the history of the city.

 The visit to this objective is interesting both during the day, because you can see Old and New Dubai bathed in sunlight, and in the evening, with the lights that clothe the city under the cloak of evening.



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