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Even though we are in the middle of the hot season, we are working

We are in the middle of the warm season, off-season, and this allows us to plan for the coming season and prepare some surprises

  • https://graph.facebook.com/6118384108195102/picture?type=large
  • Adina N.
  • 10 July 2023
0    4654

It's the holiday season, and for guests coming to Dubai during this period, in response to your questions, here are some recommendations.

Two of the tourist attractions that are closed during this period, Miracle Garden and Global Village, respectively, will reopen in October. Miracle Garden last season opened on Oct. 10, and Global Village on Oct. 25. We will return with the information about the reopening date in the next season as soon as we receive the notifications.

We are in the middle of the warm season, off-season, and this allows us to plan for the coming season and prepare some surprises, stay tuned! Last year one of the winners of our contest received his prize, the others did not contact us.

 We are planning to introduce a new service for ladies!... We won't reveal everything... just this much: there will be more colors! It will be available from October, details and price to be displayed.

At the same time, we intend to maintain all prices for services as in the last season, even to make some discounts on some. We can't promise you anything about ticket prices for tourist attractions, because it's not our business here.

As last season, we will help you organize your vacation, if you need it, make an itinerary according to your wishes, within our time limit, free of charge! Those who want this, I recommend you to contact us in time!

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